This Insurance Company Allows You To Insure Your Heart For Free This Valentine’s Day


Choose between the Break-Up or Friendzoned Policy and receive payout in the form of movie tickets.

Insurance Market, an online insurance broker, wants to help you cover the risk of heartbreak on V-day.

We like to think that love is forever. That our Mr Right or Miss Right will eventually be our Mr Husband or Mrs Wife, and we will live happily ever after.

However, life is unpredictable. And love can be such a fickle master. No one is safe against heartbreak, and to get your heart broken just before Valentine’s Day could possibly be the worst time to fall back into singlehood.

A Small Consolation

Insurance Market knows nothing can heal that wound in your heart. But they’d still like to offer a small consolation. Which is why they launched a special insurance policy called Broken Heart Insurance not only as a marketing campaign, but also to educate people about the importance of insurance coverage.

This ‘insurance’ is free to sign up, and it’s valid only on Valentine’s Day. You’ll be insured for a pair of movie tickets, and to make a claim, you simply need to submit your heartbreak or friendzone story.


There, you’ll find out more about what their insurance is about, the two policies they offer, the types of heartbreak they cover, policy conditions and claim procedure.


When you click on the yellow box that says ‘Get Broken Heart Insurance’, you’ll then find yourself here and just choose between The Break Up policy or Unrequited Love policy.


After making your choice, on the next page, you just need to fill up your details and you’re ‘insured’. But don’t forget to submit your claim on Valentine’s Day though!

To sign up, go to their website:

Importance Of Insurance

Heartbreak is a painful experience, a fact I’m sure many of us can attest to. It may seem like the Broken Heart Insurance scheme is making fun of the situation with its silly premise but actually, it’s meant to highlight two things:

1. the importance of having insurance; and

2. the ease of using Insurance Market to buy insurance

So if you haven’t already, go get insured!