Snapchat Introduces A New Feature That Might Destroy Your Relationships

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You might want to turn it off.


Last week, Snapchat introduced a crazy new feature called SnapMap. SnapMap is a virtual map where its users are represented by “Bitmoji”.

Simply access the map by pinching your fingers at the page with the camera mode. While the app only gets updates of your location when the app is in use, it could essentially be a good GPS especially for fervent snapchat users.


Cute Or Creepy?

For those travelling overseas, you can even see them flying across the oceans on a little yellow aeroplane!

These Bitomojis are actually called “Actionmojis”. They appear when Snapchat looks as data such as your location, the time of day ,or your speed of travel.

These Actionmojis can help to contextualise your friends’ location on the SnapMap, replicating real life as much as possible.


Other features include having a beach towel when you’re at the beach, or even shows you listening to music or currently snoozing away!

Aside from that, get real-life updates from people all over the world. See what’s going on at an event or at a certain area!


Here Are 5 Great Tips On How You Can Use The New SnapMap:

1. Track Where Your Other Half Is At

You no longer need to worry about whether he is out cheating on you, and if he is really asleep at home. Simply get him to open Snapchat and check if he’s lyin’, if he is asleep you would know too because his Actionmoji would look tell you the truth.


What a healthy relationship that is full of open communication!

2. If You Have A Fear-Of-Missing-Out (FOMO For Short)

For some strange reason, your friends are all in one spot. Yeah.. it is too much of a coincidence and they conveniently didn’t invite you along for some reason.

Snapchat knows that snaps alone can’t tell you the exact location of their whereabouts but now you will know where they are EXACTLY.

Simply find out where they are all at and head over to see what’s happening!

3. I’m “OMW” (On-My-Way)

If you’re always the punctual one, your time is here. No more lies from your mates that they are on their way even though they just stepped out of the house.

“I’m on my way!”


If they are driving, you can spot them zooming over in a cute yellow car.

If you’re the one who is always late, time to quit Snapchat entirely or time to think of better lies. Then again, trying to be on time is another option available. Just saying.

4. If You Have A Major Crush!

SnapMap is here to help you create opportunities. Don’t just live your fate, create your own destiny! The best part of all is that he or she won’t be able to see if you’ve checked out their location so you’re all set.

Find out where they are and stage your little drama. 😉

You can “casually” bump into your ex as well with this feature.

5. Stalk Your Children

What a time to be alive! All your helicopter parenting dreams can now come true with SnapMap. Simply create a fake Snapchat account and find out where your children are at.

Catch them red-handed loitering around in the mall instead of going for remedial lessons. We assure you that they won’t even know what hit them.

If they are listening to music while doing their homework, you can find out just as easily as well.

6. Check Out Your Online Date

Swiping left and right on Tinder isn’t enough. We know with the proliferation of photo editing applications, and the power of makeup, you’re bound to feel slightly paranoid if your date is really as good looking in real life.

SnapMap is here to address your fears for once and for all! Simply find out their Snapchat username and stalk away. Not just online but in real life too. 😉 If you’re going to be a creeper, it’s time to go hard to go home.

If You’re Creeped Out

No, you’re not alone if you have concerns with regards to the new features. Not everyone is a fan of the new features.

Parents have raised concerns regarding this new feature as they are worried that predators will be updated on their child’s location. However, Snapchat users can activate the “Ghost Mode” to avoid putting their location on the map or even control the privacy of their location setting.

Have you tried the new Snapmap? Let us know what you think!