Kopi With YP: Your Minimalist Morning Brief, 2 May

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DBS beat market expectations by reporting a stable quarterly profit of $1.831 billion, supported by a record performance in its wealth management business.

Singapore Airlines is expected to turn to a net-debt position – for the first time in 13 years – as the company borrows and sells bonds to meet its plane-buying spree.

Morgan Stanley lowers commission for brokers on stock trades, ETFs and annuities amid pressure to reduce costs for clients.


North Korea warned that it will carry out a nuclear test “at any time and at any location”.  

“I am tied up. I cannot make any definite promise”: Rody Duterte says he might be too busy to visit the US president.

Many in Japan are resisting moves to impose a blanket ban on smoking indoors ahead of Tokyo 2020.


The labour movement raised S$25 million for the NTUC-Education and Training Fund (NETF) at the May Day Rally Appreciation Lunch.

May Day Rally: The Government promises to help businesses create new jobs, get displaced workers re-employed, and train employees to deepen and broaden their skills in their current roles.

The real-time lift management system will launch later this month to enable PAP town councils to respond faster if anyone is trapped in a lift.


Credit Suisse has deployed 20 robots within the bank, some of which are helping employees answer basic compliance questions.

Twitter will offer 24/7 streaming video news broadcasts in partnership with Bloomberg.