Meet The First Local Start Up That Has A Team of White Hat Hackers


With the rise in technology and shift to the digital age, this brings about more information and data right to the tips of our fingers. This accessibility also makes the threat of malicious hacking very real. The recent SingHealth data breach is one of the biggest cyber attack in Singapore.

Meet the first local start up company that strives to make a difference. wants to empower companies to protect their data. is the first vulnerability coordination and bug bounty platform based in Singapore, founded by Andy Prakash and Dexter Ng. The duo wants to cultivate a Bug Bounty Culture and community within Asia and especially in Singapore.

They work with global bug bounty hunters community to surface their most relevant security issues.

Andy and Dexter had this vision over a year ago to provide these cyber services, and now the government will be launching their first bug bounty program in Singapore.

Bug Bounty Platform

White hat hackers (the good guys), are listed from bug bounty hall of fame of renowned companies like Facebook, Uber and Google, are given access to companies to test their website, app and more digital platforms to test the security system.

Being Singapore’s 1st Bug Bounty platform, their platform has played a vital role in assisting IT teams of many businesses to detect cyber vulnerabilities that can be exploited by black-hat hackers for their personal interest.

These vulnerabilities are categorized by severity levels (Critical, High, Medium, Low and Acceptable Risk) and clients are notified immediately through a detailed report when they are found. All vulnerability detection initiatives are performed strictly by elite white-hat hackers (listed on the Hall of Fame of companies).

As of to-date, they have hundreds of white-hat hackers signed onto their platform.

Providing Affordable Cyber Security For All

Dexter helped start the business because he hoped to change the way companies think when it comes to procuring cybersecurity services and tools, especially those with smaller tech budgets.

Andy agrees with this sentiment as well. “Why should you pay for the process, when you should pay only for the results?”

Both founders want all companies to be able to afford cyber security measures and have full control on how much access is given to the hackers.

Stereotypes Of Hacking

When someone mentions the word ‘hacking’, you will often think of its negative connotations. There are good and bad hackers, also known as white hat hackers and black hat hackers respectively.

Dexter understands the concern and misconceptions these companies have against hackers. He tries to have a positive outlook on this and encourages companies to address the vulnerabilities in their IT infrastructure by having the bugs in their systems exposed.

“When we go to pitch meetings and explain our business, they will say things like: ‘Please don’t hack us!’”

White hat hackers are hackers who are given permission by the company to actually hack into their security system to test their security vulnerability. These white hat hackers are ethical and professional hackers that get paid per bug they find, depending on the severity of the bug.

Black hat hackers are those who illegally access your systems and database for their own personal malicious agenda.

Think that hackers only victimize large corporations or high-profile individuals? Think again! On the black market, even the data of an average joe comes with an exorbitant price tag. By gaining access to your private and confidential information, not only do hackers gain the thrill they seek, they may potentially make a fortune too. 🖥 Don’t let someone profit off your misery. Be a part of today :

Posted by on Wednesday, 11 July 2018

There is a shortage for white hat hackers around the world, especially in Singapore.

The dedicated all Singaporean team behind believes that everyone should be aware of the increasing number of cyber threats around them. With the Singapore government increasingly trying to transform Singapore into a cashless and technologically advanced country, it’s about time we embrace these changes and be more aware of the dangers of the cyber world.

90% of cyber attacks on personal accounts usually comes from clicking phishing links. Protect yourself and your data, try them out and check if your email if vulnerable to phishing here.

For more information on, you can check their website out here.

Featured image: CNA